Proposte di Tesi
Sono disponibili diversi argomenti appropriati per la tesi in medicina, che trattano tutti i temi di ricerca affrontati dall'attività scientifica BRighTEN. Per maggiori informazioni contattare la Prof.ssa Matilde Inglese
2025 Tesi di Specializzazione Neurologia
Vincenzo Daniele Boccia: Predicting disability accrual and cognitive decline in the era of high efficacy disease modifying treatments in Multiple Sclerosis
Abstract: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, leading to progressive motor and cognitive disability. Despite the success of high-efficacy disease-modifying treatments (HETs) in reducing inflammation, disability accrual continues through neurodegenerative mechanisms. This study investigates the predictive value of novel MRI biomarkers, such as brain atrophy and paramagnetic rim lesions (PRLs), in assessing long-term disability progression. Our findings suggest that integrating brain atrophy into the NEDA-4 composite measure improves the prediction of future disability in patients receiving HETs. Additionally, PRLs were identified as significant predictors of cognitive decline, even in relapse-free patients. These results highlight the limitations of traditional biomarkers and emphasize the need for novel neuroimaging tools to guide MS management. The integration of these biomarkers could improve patient stratification and enable a precision medicine approach in MS treatment.

Tommaso Sirito: Beyond the tip of the iceberg in multiple sclerosis: the role of OCT and MRI in disease monitoring
Abstract: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex and heterogeneous disease, with inflammatory and neurodegenerative components contributing to disability accumulation. Given its multifaceted nature, a multiparametric approach is essential to evaluate both the efficacy and speed of action of different disease-modifying therapies (DMTs). This study integrates clinical, radiological, and advanced imaging biomarkers—such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and diffusion MRI—to assess short-term treatment response and long-term neurodegenerative processes. Our findings highlight how a comprehensive evaluation can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of action of DMTs, optimizing therapeutic strategies and personalized treatment decisions.

2024 Sara Sulfaro: Parametri radiologici predittivi di neurodegenerazione a breve termine nella sclerosi multipla
Advisor: Prof. Matilde Inglese
Co-Advisor: MD Giacomo Boffa
2023 Emma Chiariello: Sicurezza e tollerabilità della dieta mima digiuno nella Sclerosi Multipla recidivante remittente
Advisor: Prof. Matilde Inglese
Co-Advisor: MD Maria Cellerino
2023 Sabrina AlQudsi: Valutazione del ruolo delle IgM liquorali nella prognosi della Sclerosi Multipla
Advisor: Prof. Matilde Inglese
Co-Advisor: MD Diego Franciotta
2021 Matteo Minetti: L’apatia nella Sclerosi Multipla: uno studio di correlazione clinico-radiologica
Advisor: Prof. Matilde Inglese
Co-Advisor: MD Caterina Lapucci
2021 Silvia Rebella: Il segno della vena centrale nei pazienti con sclerosi multipla e comorbidità vascolari
Advisor: Prof. Matilde Inglese
Co-Advisor: MD Caterina Lapucci
2021 Giulia Avvenente: Predittori di efficacia in pazienti con Sclerosi Multipla in trattamento con Ocrelizumab
Advisor: Prof. Matilde Inglese
Co-Advisor: MD Maria Cellerino
2020 Sara Carpaneto: Il ruolo del danno cerebellare nella sclerosi multipla: uno studio di risonanza magnetica multimodale a 3T
Advisor: Prof. Matilde Inglese
Co-Advisor: MD Giacomo boffa
2020 Amedeo La Cava: NIH Toolbox Standing Balance Test: un nuovo metodo di misura del deficit dell’equilibrio nella Sclerosi Multipla
Advisor: Prof. Matilde Inglese
Co-Advisor: MD Caterina Lapucci
2020 Maria Grippo: La linfopenia derivata dal trattamento con fingolimod e dimetil-fumarato non è correlata alla risposta al trattamento a breve termine e al rischio di infezioni in vivo in pazienti con sclerosi multipla
Advisor: Prof. Matilde Inglese
Co-Advisor: MD Caterina Lapucci